If you are currently unemployed or underemployed, or you are preparing to transition from military service into the civilian workforce, the State of New York and its federal and local government partners are here to assist you.
Job Seekers
If you served on Active Duty in the United States Armed Forces, the New York State Department of Labor will:
- Serve you first by the next available staff member
- Give you first priority to any jobs or training for which you are eligible and qualified
To learn more, speak with a New York State Career Center staff member at 1-888-4-NYSDOL or visit our Veteran's Information Page.
Jobs for Veterans State Grant Program
- If you are a Veteran with a disability caused or worsened by your military service.
- If you are a Veteran between the ages of 18 and 24.
- Served on active duty during the Vietnam Era (no combat service required).
- Separated from the military during this past year, and were unemployed for six months or more at any point during that year.
- Are dealing with a significant barrier to employment, such as a criminal record, homelessness, or imminent risk of homelessness.
You may qualify to meet with a Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program Specialist (DVOP) for a full range of services including:
- Comprehensive assessments
- Individual employment plans
- Job referrals
- Referrals to training and support services
- Resume and interview preparation assistance
Find your local DVOP.
- If you are looking for assistance to hire Veterans.
- If you would you like Veterans to see your job listings.
NYS has Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVERs) to assist you. LVERs provide services including:
- Including job matching and job placement for Veterans with employers.
- Conduct employer outreach.
- Inform Federal contractors of the process to hire qualified Veterans.
If your employer is discriminating against you because of your past, present, or future military obligations, or you think you might not be receiving your Veterans Preference in federal or state employment, the US Department of Labor and New York State protect your rights.
- The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) guarantees an employee returning from military service or training the right to be reemployed at their former job (or as nearly comparable a job as possible) with the status, seniority, and pay that the employee would have received had they not left for military duty. Certain restrictions apply, such as a maximum length of consecutive years of military service and a requirement for the Veteran to notify the employer in a timely manner of the Veteran’s desire to return to the job. USERRA also protects against discrimination by employers on the basis of military status and ensures reasonable accommodations for Veterans with disabilities.
- Veterans with disabilities who served on active duty in the Armed Forces during certain specified time periods or in military campaigns are entitled to hiring preferences for most federal government jobs. Learn more at here.
- New York State’s Veterans with Disabilities Employment Program (55-c) authorizes up to 500 positions to be filled with qualified wartime era Veterans with a service-connected disability rating of at least 10%. Combat service is not required to qualify for this program. Applicants must meet the minimum qualifications for the position but are not required to take the Civil Service examination for the position.
Contact Assistance
If you need assistance, or just want to learn more about the benefits and services you may be eligible for, schedule an appointment with one of our Veterans Benefits Advisors, all Veterans themselves.
- Call 1-888-838-7697 to speak to an advisor.
- Schedule a phone or video consultation online.
- Use our search to find a Services Office near you.